What inspires you to create?

For me, art can be both healing and spiritual to create and behold. Both the artist and the viewer can be transported to a place where their hearts and spirits awakened.

In some cultures artists are recognized as healers who receive transmissions from Nature or their spirit guides and translate it for others to receive. We call this inspiration, or divine guidance.

What inspires you to create?

- Elizabeth

Mutual Thriving - INTO THE WOODS

I find the forests are my school to learn presence, deep listening, and paying attention to what has heart and meaning. They teach me that diversity and sharing resources makes us all thrive. Beauty is sacred. Regeneration is essential for life, nothing is waisted - life supports life. Trees connect us to the unseen world below ground with their roots, beautiful trunks, as animated as a dancer. Their limbs reach into the sky magically turning light into sugar!

Since childhood, I have been schooled by trees. My great joy is in their company painting them. I invite you to come explore the woods and my paintings.

What tree or woodland has enriched your life?

- Elizabeth

Blessings on all the Mothers…

Today we celebrate Mothers and all who mother.
Blessings on all the Mothers and all the mothering we have received and given. 
We are invited to give our love and gratitude to all  those who nurture well being
through loving care of our universal mother - the Earth. 
This is a sacred path of generosity.

How will you celebrate your mother, Mother Earth, or a mothering quality you hold? 

With loving kindness and gratitude, 

- Elizabeth

Shoshin, Seeing with Wonder.

Spring is so generous with daily surprises of beauty we can easily be in awe and gratitude.

Shoshin in Japanese is seeing with wonder- "the beginners mind” when there are limitless possibilities and our hearts are open not attached. I have found  expressing our creativity, (painting, singing, gardening, etc) along with gratitude practices and time in nature are healing for body, mind and soul.

Do you have a creative practice that brings you joy and gratitude?

- Elizabeth

Let's give thanks and celebrate all we love…

Happy St. Valentine’s Day! A day to celebrate love! Let’s give thanks and celebrate all we love, the people, places, animals, plants, food, activities, spirit, music, beauty, creativity, so much!

Take a moment to send love and gratitude to someone you care about, make a call, send a love note, flowers, or even a text can brighten someone’s day and make you feel more joyful as well.

- Elizabeth


Gratitude and appreciation are natural responses for all the  gifts surrounding us - like beauty, kindness,
and generosity from Nature and other people. Gratitude can be a "shape shifter” to transform grief,
fear or a sense of longing to acceptance and deepening. When we can hold both grief and joy our hearts
expand our capacity  to love  even more. Gratitude regenerates well being and inclusion enabling healing, creativity and joy. 

I send you my gratitude for the Light you shine with your presence and grace.

Shine On! Happy Thanksgiving, 

- Elizabeth


We are each invited to go through various thresholds through out our lives - we have ceremonies and celebrations to mark some of them. In Autumn we celebrate the harvest and let go of what is no longer serving us as we enter the darker more dormant time of the year. Many traditions recognize this is as a time of thinning of veil between worlds and a time to honor our ancestors, asking them to stand behind us and our dreams.

What are you releasing in your life at this time and what are you grateful for?

- Elizabeth

Forests as Teachers

We live in a potent time when our hearts can be cracked open with both grief & loss as well as great beauty and astonishment. Forests teach us reliance which comes from mutual support, connection, and sharing resources. Everyone’s contribution of their “original medicine” adds to mutual thriving. What we practice - we become, I invite you to practice with me hope, beauty making, community weaving and joy for ourselves and for one another. 

What is your “original medicine" we can celebrate?  

Let's Celebrate Independence Day

Let’s Celebrate Interdependence Day! We know more than ever how interconnected-we are all over the world. We have all made efforts to protect one another from illness, we appreciate each essential worker who keeps life going. In forests science tells us how trees support one another, share resources, and communicate with vast underground networks for mutual thrival. Today we are invited to know we are all kin, humans and the more than human world of trees, animals, the sea, and sky - welcome home to a day of celebration of interdependence!

WHERE DO YOU FEEL THE MOST CONNECTED TO "THE MORE THEN HUMAN WORLD” of plants, earth, animals, water, stars, spirit?

- Elizabeth