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Create a Handmade Book of what you Love

Join me for this fun interactive workshop where we will make an accordion fold book with watercolor paper. Beautiful handmade papers will inspire you for your book cover. Inside - you can draw, watercolor paint, collage, or write pomes, notes, inspirational quotes. Bring photos, or treasured cards you have kept to add to the pages of what you love. I have found the act of creating a book of what I love is so nurturing and uplifting to make and to have.

Some themes might include: places, people, animals, plants, pomes, flowers, artwork, spiritual symbols, whatever lifts your spirit. This project is both fun and satisfying to make and have.

This project is both fun and satisfying to make and have. Bring your girl friend, spouse, or daughter. This will be an activity to enjoy together and a keepsake you will treasure.

Cost: $190
Soup, bread and tea will be shared with anything else you would like to add. Supplies included. All levels of experience welcome.

Later Event: December 10
Artist Storytelling: Iluminado